
The Advanced Research Laboratory for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures (ARL-MLS) specializes in leading edge research in multidisciplinary design, analysis, optimization, manufacturing, testing of advanced multifunctional materials & lightweight structures, with applications to aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and nuclear components and systems. Ambitious innovative design and development goals are increasingly challenging current simulation and testing capabilities.


Opportunities and Positions

ARL-MLS is committed to Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Policies and practices. We encourage applicants to keep an eye out for exciting opportunities at our Lab for various positions.

Industry Partners

ARL-MLS has long standing collaborations with companies and institutions to develop state of the art technology solutions and to implement the cutting edge research accomplished in its research facilities.

We at ARL MLS are always happy to explore your interests. Reach us at arlmls@mie.utoronto.ca for more info!